Ultra Gay, with Bleach!

November 20, 2008

The title of this post comes from the party I had hear the other weekend. Sarah asked for an ‘h’ on the end of her name, so to annoy me so did other people. So when Jon asked I changed his name to “Ultra Gay”. It’s like tide, only there is more sperm involved and you’re left smelling like a summer breeze. And some bowel problems.

Among other things.

I realize it’s been a while and I don’t have an excuse. Kept saying “I should write something” and then never got around to doing it. My computer dying hasn’t helped that situation out much either I suppose.

That having been said I have two pretty exciting pieces of news. 1) I have purchased a new computer (the first in 6 years) and it was supposed to arrive today. Dell Customer service guys can suck my schlong. 2) I have started my own business.


You know what would suck? If some random stalker got my phone number from that……. there, now it’s blacked out. And no, my business card does not really say “OSTBear” on it. I’m a goof, not retarded.

I got tired of my previous employer ripping people off left right and center, got tired of computer stores treating customers like idiots, got tired of hearing people charged $50 just to be told the printer is broken. God has been puting this on my heart for a while. And I told him if he wanted me to, he just had to let me know. And he knows how angry I get when someone takes advantage of someone else… so I started on the path.

It’s scary, and awesome all rolled into one big ball.

A Green Ball. hehehe.

What, they can’t all be Ultra Gay :P.

There is one unfortunate hitch that I’ve run into, and that is my land lady is not paying her taxes. She pitched a fit about me starting my own business saying I couldn’t apply for the license because then the government might figure out she has people living here. Major problem.

Of course it doesn’t help we’re constantly butting heads over her Marijuana problem. Thankfully, all of her getting stoned has left her retarded and she’s not smart enough to realize she can just kick me out. Well… she can’t really. If she does without cause I’m pretty sure the RCMP would appreciate photos of her habbit, and the government would appreciate documentation of the people taking up residence here.

For those of you who don’t know me well enough, I’ll tell you something about me. NEVER go to war with me. EVER. I fight tooth and nail and even if I lose you won’t feel at all like you’ve won.

But hopefully I can get something soon. I NEED to get something soon. I need to get an add in the paper and start up my business, get the (green)ball rolling asap.

Anyways, I have to write something in Vana’Diel Tales as well so I’m going to head’er.

/Beware the Bear.

PS: For anyone who’s a Nickleback fan, check out their new CD. AWESOME SAUCE.

It was weird. When I realized it was my birthday, waking up in the morning realizing that I was a year older, I had no clue how old I was.

Remember when we were kids? Birthdays were a huge freaking deal, remember that? You were counting the days until you were 10 years old because for some reason entering the double digits was some how important. I can’t think of anything making double digits important in our childhood, but I do remember being excited that I was about to turn 10.

13 was a big one because we no longer needed parents to go to PG-13 movies (that having been said, I doubt they would have given a flying crap if I was 7 and going to see a PG-13) and we’re in Jr. High and girlfriends and boyfriends are a real concept at this point. This age normally contains within it the first make out session, or kiss that isn’t some random childish thing you do under the monkey bars and then yelled “cooties” (I didn’t kiss a girl until I was 15).

14 is another milestone and mostly because of the movies thing again. And at this age, your parents have probably given you enough rope to hang yourself with so that’s pretty exciting. It’s an interesting age… You have this feeling of moving out of childhood and into adulthood but still not actually doing either (of course we deny this fervently). Alcohol sampling might also occur here. A little more wine at the Christmas table, and perhaps a slightly older friend who sneaks some beer from dad’s fridge. The right of passage has most definitely begun.

16. We’re definately well beyond playing with toys at this point (admittedly I didn’t stop building with lego until I was… well… I still… am… shut up!) and have our minds solely set on girls/boys, stuff/clothes, and cars(motorcycles)/cars(riding on the back of motorcycles). State or Province depending you’re probably also learning how to drive at this point. And while Mom’s mini-van is “uncool” and we take every opportunity to slide that in, we some how forget this fact when we want to drive it. This is a magical age full of increased milleage on the car, minor fender benders, and whiplash.

18 is the penultimate milestone, or ultimate if you live in Alberta. Not only can you opperate a vehicle without your parents present you probably have enough cash saved up to buy one. One more year (or this year if you’re a red plate) and you can get boozed and nobody can get mad at you for it (except your parents when you’re up all night barfing). Your own apartment? Paying your own cell phone? College? MasterCard? At this point you really are entering into adult hood and you are wanting to create your own identity. And you realize at this point your parents were 50% right. Yes it is harder on the outside, paying your own food, buying your own gas, maintaining your own car… But my God the freedom is worth the cost. Don’t want to do laundry today?… don’t. Want to eat Kraft dinner for a week? Have at ‘er. Want to play video games all day? It’s your TV! Go ahead! It is a life with more responsibility, more stuff you have to take care of, but it is your life.

19/21. Welcome to wherever you are. This is your life, you’ve made it thus far. You’ve gotta believe, right here right now, you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be (Bon Jovi). The milestones are pretty much done at this point. You’ve got some things left to learn, a mortgage to take out (which is nothing more than a moderately larger car payment) and a few other minor bugs to work out… But you’ve arrived in the world.

We’re so glad you made it.

Where was this going? Oh yeah! I’m 23 years old today.

errr, yesterday.

Beware the Bear

I’m Dying

September 24, 2008

Well not REALLY dying, but I have some flu they’ve given a name to that causes me to go partially blind when I vommit really hard. I went to the Doc yesterday, they gave me some pills, I slept for 9 hours. when I woke up I was drenched head to toe in my own sweat. Normally I wouldn’t complain about 9 hours sleep except I didn’t know I was going to sleep for 9 hours, I was only supposed to be there for about 45 minutes. Tremendous pain in the ASS.

Anyways. Still feel like crap today, but the shop might explode if I’m not here, or potentially people will break down the door screaming they want their computers right now. When it comes to computers, people do not understand that this stuff takes TIME. This crap doesn’t happen over night. No we can’t give you an accurate estimate as to how long it will take. Yes we will try to get it done as soon as possible. No we can’t bump your computer ahead of everyone elses. No I can’t help that you’re in a poker tournament on Friday.


House Warming on Friday. Here’s hoping I’m verticle for it 😛

OH HEY! My Landlord bagged an Elk last night! It’s her first ever elk so she was pretty excited. I’m going to have to brush up on my wild meat cooking apparently. That having been said I have no idea where she’s puting all this meat. As best as I’ve been made aware all we have is the tiny little fridge freezer. Maybe she’s got a cellar.

Or maybe she knows something we don’t know.

I read an article on Detoxing today. Or more accurately I glanced at the title and thought “hey, Jewels used to do that all the time… or… well not all the time… and it wasn’t… fuck it whatever, I want to be healthy.” So I’m going on a Seven Day Detox as of 5 PM today. I have bought many apples, some snap peas, some carrots, and a cucumber. Cucumber sandwhiches and soup for dinners, and carrots, peas, and apples for snackies. I’m not entirely sure how it’ll go, but I’m pretty excited to see how it comes out.

If any of the 11 of you have any Detox stories, let me know. I will be kind of journaling the event here, so stay tuned.

Then again, there’s an excellent chance I’ll just forget to post.

I think it is my Wireless card. I can’t say for certain at this point, but now that I’ve removed the thing my computer is suddenly very lively. Where as two hours ago I was afraid it might turn into another Hell Gate, much like Joel’s Hell Gate. That’s the nick name I gave his laptop.

It was a gate.

To Hell.

I’m pretty much moved into my new place (read: Half my shit still isn’t unpacked) and I have to say I’m pretty stoked to be in a place that is really my own. I’m grateful to the family that gave me a place to stay, God put them in my path not just to give me a roof over my head, but I’m glad to be somewhere paying rent and making home. To christen the place I bought a new book shelf, a new computer/work desk, and a dresser from the Sally Anne all for $100. I’m probably going to buy myself a decent office chair too, but that depends on how much money I make delivering pizzas tomorrow. And yes I am saving up for school, but I do kind of need this stuff.

I won’t lie, I’m probably going to splurge a bit on the chair though.

I will get you guys some pictures, but I need to re-install all of my photo software and I actually need to find the USB cable for my camera.

I also need to unpack, and this takes presidence over pretty well everything.

I start my new job on Monday, pretty stoked I gotta tell yah. Even more so since my managers at Wal-Mart begged me to stay, which lets me know that I really do have a pretty solid work ethic. I’m pretty proud of that.

For those among you that would lift a word up in prayer, please remember Chipmunk as she is starting to adjust to University life. It sounds like she’s enjoying herself, but a little extra help couldn’t hurt.

Big prayers to my Brother as he begins his new life with his new wife in his house on 3rd and trife…

Don’t worry, I’m dissapointed in myself.

Beware the Bear.

On Life and Consequences

August 25, 2008

… It has been a really long time since I have posted, and as best as I can figure there’s a lot of stuff you’ve missed.

Firstly, and this is in no particular order, Chipmunk and I are no longer dating. There are lots of reasons why, but most of them are personal and I’m really not wanting to get into them here; My life is an open book to you, but when it involves other people… well…. It’s not very fair to them is it?

I suppose actually that’s a bit hypocritical isn’t it? I’ve complained about other people on here… meh. It’s my Blog, and I don’t feel like going over it here. That’s the magic of being a writer, no one can make you write what you don’t want to.

Unless you’re Stephanie Meyer…[Insert retarded romance bit here]

I will say that the relationship ended about as amicably as it possibly could have, and I was the one who broke it off. I don’t regret the decission, I maintain it was the right thing to do, but I do regret that that’s what it had to come to. For all my ability as a futurist, I didn’t see this part coming.

My Brother got married. It was incredible. Him and Caos are so happy and I can’t express how happy I am for them. The wedding had it’s glitches, but the sheer magnitude of love everyone expressed throughout the cerimony and reception shadowed all of it (You’re right Bro, I really do have the best laugh). I got fairly close with Caos’ family as well while I was up for the wedding, turns out her younger brother’s a big photography nut, and her other brother shares my sense of humor along with the cousins (All Aboard the Fail Boat!).

Gaming has kind of fallen off. With a couple of us entering into a full time school schedule, one person leaving for school elsewhere, and another guy that nobody fucking likes… well we’re kind of tied for time. It was good though. I’ve made some really great friends and managed to get two jobs because of the people I’ve met. I pray that God keeps them in my path and that I might mean as much to them as they do to me.

Through random happenstance I discovered that I have become a leader, and that my Brother supports this and has no quams with moving asside for me to do my thing. At his Bachelor party / yearly camp out our next door neighbor campsite had some problems with a sevearly angry/drunk person. I wasn’t heroic or anything, no jumping into a fight, but I did jump in to handle the situation. I’ve never felt God’s presence in me like I felt it then. Got to lead me my Beyonders, and damn was that exciting.

I’m writing again, a full novel now. Of course I still haven’t written what comes before the novel… which… is bad. Well maybe not bad but it’s not good either. Ideas move through my head so quickly that if I don’t find time to get them written down my brain immediately jumps to the next thing… It happens.

I’ve also decided that I am in fact going to take a vacation this year. Two of them in fact. The first to see my Sisters in Calgary and Lethbridge so I can have some time with them (since they both came down here and tried to make time for me). The second will be to see my Brother and his wife on the coast. He needs him a visiting.

And lastly, I discovered I have a saved post regarding time travel. Gotta remember to finish that and post it. Looks pretty fun.

Well that’s it for me, I’ll see yah when I see yah

/Beware the Bear

I’m Alive

May 4, 2008

Did anybody see Pearl Harbour? Say what you want about Ben Afleck, but that was an amazing movie and I think he was a fantastic Dare Devil. On a further note, I love that part where Ben Afleck writes to his woman and it opens with “This is the first I could get out word… I’m alive.”

Anyways. I’ve been busy as you might have guessed. Exams and final projects and work and a few hours for sleep here and there. That having been said I also kind of forgot I had a blog really, just being busy doing stuff. So as an update…

I’ve joined WCHL hockey (http://www.wchlhockey.com) as the General Manager of the Florida Panthers. I’m hoping to have a webpage up and running for my team, and when I get around to it I’ll let you know.

My Girlfriend and I had our 1 year anniversary on March 26th. It was getting rocky for a while there, admittedly, but we’ve made it, and now that exams are over we’re working on strengthening what have. And now she is reminding me that I need to give one of her teddy bears a story. And I’m also told I’m not allowed to write it here.

I’ve thrown myself into another writing project (like I don’t already have enough of them on the go) and I might have some stuff to say about that soon.

For now though, I’ll leave you with this and then go on my way. Have a good one!

I don’t know what’s up with the spacing on that last post, I honestly don’t. I was editing it and then when I saved it the spacing was gone.

I’ve tried to put it back twice now, but it’s not workin’ out.

I’ll figure it out another day. 

Welcome Home

February 20, 2008

When the Girlfriend is gone, the Bear will finaly re-decorate his website.

I’m not quite done yet, but I liked what I had done at this point enough to slap it up and call it something. Just beign able to edit the stylesheet is still somewhat annoying, but I forget how powerful the stylesheet can really be… And I do not want to learn how to code in friggen widgets so I’m happy to just stay here and play around with these pre-defined layouts to match what I want.

And yes, my Girlfriend is gone. She’s on vacation far and away with a family friend. It’s been interesting being here without her and this time apart has made me realize how we have come to define one another.

And as I talk to her on-line the only thing she bloody has to say is “you still cant see the s”. Thanks sparky.

What do you guys think?

Things to Come

February 5, 2008


This is a preview of what the new site is going to look like. I’d ask you to tell me what to think, but the 14 or so of you who read this thing don’t leave comments…. Ever…. Except Annalise, ’cause she’s my hero… And now I actually feel pretty guilty because it’s been forever since I read her blog.

<shrugs> I’ll fix that eventually.

I’m pretty juiced for this website update actually. I’m doing all new image tricks with photoshop, stretching my limits… It’ll be fun at any rate….

My only major concern of ‘course is this CSS thing. I don’t actually have rights to modify layouts and so on, and the widget system is something new and none of my HTML editors deal with them… and the web tutorials are sparse at best.

but it shall be done…. oh shall it ever be done.