I think Tuesdays and Fridays are officially going to be post days. See I have this programming class, but of course I’ve don pretty well all of this crap twice before, just with some slightly different syntax. It’s like listening to Tom Cochrain and then Rascal Flats do a song. It’s the same song, just sounds different…

In other words I’m board out of my skull.

But it has given me a chance to get back into the web swing of things. Checking Web Comics, Reading News Posts, Playing around on Facebook, Writing, and of course writing posts on my own blog. Now the only thing I really need is for this computer to have Photoshop so I can work on the layout.

My Girlfriend has a slight incling to RPGs. I rented one the other day to play while she did homework and she really got into it and has hinted that she might enjoy playing it with me. The game is “Mass Effect” and I have to say, I highly recommend it at this point. I mean, I haven’t gone that far into it… but I’m REALLY liking the gameplay right now. Most games that I’ve played with the whole “Treat people like dirt or treat them well and this will change how people react to you” thing have generally sucked and have only changed one or two things at the very end of the game… The way I’ve treated people thus far has already had drastic effects. I really can’t wait to get into it.

Last Sunday was gaming night. Myself Spartan, The Bassist, The Peck, and [Nick Name Pending] started our D&D campaign…. and it went fairly well I have to say. The funny thing of course is we’re not playing the campaign I made for us. Seriously I must have spent 10 hours making up this campaign about invaders from the West attacking the Orient and then I started this completely random campaign to waste time while we waiting for The Peck and they loved it and that’s all we played, and that’s what the want to continue to play…

Go figure… of course now this has kind of become a test for me… How far can I go making things up as we go allong?