I think Tuesdays and Fridays are officially going to be post days. See I have this programming class, but of course I’ve don pretty well all of this crap twice before, just with some slightly different syntax. It’s like listening to Tom Cochrain and then Rascal Flats do a song. It’s the same song, just sounds different…

In other words I’m board out of my skull.

But it has given me a chance to get back into the web swing of things. Checking Web Comics, Reading News Posts, Playing around on Facebook, Writing, and of course writing posts on my own blog. Now the only thing I really need is for this computer to have Photoshop so I can work on the layout.

My Girlfriend has a slight incling to RPGs. I rented one the other day to play while she did homework and she really got into it and has hinted that she might enjoy playing it with me. The game is “Mass Effect” and I have to say, I highly recommend it at this point. I mean, I haven’t gone that far into it… but I’m REALLY liking the gameplay right now. Most games that I’ve played with the whole “Treat people like dirt or treat them well and this will change how people react to you” thing have generally sucked and have only changed one or two things at the very end of the game… The way I’ve treated people thus far has already had drastic effects. I really can’t wait to get into it.

Last Sunday was gaming night. Myself Spartan, The Bassist, The Peck, and [Nick Name Pending] started our D&D campaign…. and it went fairly well I have to say. The funny thing of course is we’re not playing the campaign I made for us. Seriously I must have spent 10 hours making up this campaign about invaders from the West attacking the Orient and then I started this completely random campaign to waste time while we waiting for The Peck and they loved it and that’s all we played, and that’s what the want to continue to play…

Go figure… of course now this has kind of become a test for me… How far can I go making things up as we go allong?

Where We’re Headed Now.

January 25, 2008

Oh, we’re headed places, let me tell you.

So there’s a new feature that’s been added to WordPress that makes me all happy on the inside…

The free space available on WordPress has been updated to 3GB. WordPress is now officialy made of awesome sauce. That’s right, I said it.

I’m actually in class right now. Tee hee hee. I really love my class too. I get to crack jokes with a bunch of guys who are taking this course because they have to, which is also crossed with they need to pass it but don’t care enough to do that well. As a teacher this would annoy me, but as a fellow student, this is high gorramn hillarious.

My girlfriend liked the last half of her gift, which I finally managed to finish and give to her (It really sucks being kicked out of your house). She’s still annoyed with the cliff hanger fashion I write with however, but I’m excited to continue with it. I think that’s kidn of been symbiotic part of our relationship. She enjoys having something written for her, and I enjoy having someone who will ‘push’ a bit for some of my writing so I can keep up with it.

Spelling/Grammar (like Manor/Manner) is still a problem… more on the spelling side of things but meh. She’s volunteered to be my editor… a mistake that I will not give her time to regreat.

Well now that I have this space I’m obviously going to have to upload more pictures….. of course first I’ll need a camera… crap…. well atleast I can start on a layout. Now all I have to do is wait for them to offer CSS formatting for free :P… well it is only 14 bucks…. I’ll ponder this for a time.

/I’m Still Here

God Throws Sliders

January 18, 2008

It’s days like this when I realize that God does in fact play baseball and he has no problem with messing with your head. A slider is the most annoying throw in baseball, the reason being is that it has a habbit of ‘wiggling’. It goes a little right then goes left, and it rarely ever dips. And when it’s thrown, it looks just like a curve so the batter (assuming it’s a lefty VS righty or righty VS lefty) will take his swing. Then he gets screwed when he realizes a mite too late that it’s not going to dip to give him that ultimate home run, it’s going to screw his batting average for the night. God does this constantly.

It’s weird to have the guy who plays for you play ‘against’ you.

Student loans denied my application for funding. They feel my van is an $8000 asset that I should be able to get rid of immediately and thusly afford school and shelter and food… They are a heartless husk where good people once were. I guess it makes sense. People abusing the system and so on… I mean if I lived somewhere like Calgary, sure I could sell that van no problem… But this is a small town… I don’t know whether or not they get that or don’t care but… either way this is my situation.

I’m going to try and get to the bank soon enough to see if I can refinance the thing at an attrocious interest rate that will have me paying for it for another 5 or 6 years… but at an affordable rate :P.

We’ll see.

I discovered I work with a Christian lady. She is wonderful and will be praying for me. Please coninue to pray for Brandi’s Sister. She could use it.

– Beware the Bear.

It Happens

January 15, 2008

An update. shocking, I know.

Hopefully I’ll be getting into the full swing of this as time goes on. It’d be nice anyway. We’ll see.

… You know you’re a crappy blogger when you can’t remember what was in your last bloody post.

Okay, I’ve read my last couple posts so now I know where we left off. I have a place to stay now that isn’t my Girlfriend’s house. I am being housed by a couple of amazing people, and this again is a little showing of how God works. I never really knew this couple before. A few one time encounters and a hello when I had seen them at Church, but beyond that not much. Then the husband (We’ll call him “Chief Red”) and I teamed up for a conference we were both speaking at to organize some stuff for the kids at the conference. While this may only have lead to a friendship upgraded slightly from acquaintance; I got to know Chief Red, he got to know me and a seed was planted.

When things took a turn for the worst I asked Chief Red if I could perhaps rent a room. It was kind of out of my means, and I was ready to pass when Chief Red offered the room to me for whatever I could afford until I got back on my feet.

I owe big thanks to Chief Red.

Chiefly because he’s a nice guy! (Little pun there for Cucumber… not that he reads this thing).

So… outside of that… things are progressing nicely. The boat is still sailing and I’ve got a little more control over the steering (though I am trying to give that over to God) and less and less communication with Family V1.0. Family V2.3 has been mucho helpful and supportive and they continue to bring a smile to my face when I think about how kind and generous they’ve been to me.

But now, I think, it is time for me to move onto the portion of our show where I talk about what’s going on.

My job has mad a position for me in my department so I can get more hours in the week without incessant begging. I’m sure Auntie Tammy grew tired of her retarded nephew (One day at work I asked Tammy to rearrange one of my shifts for me and she did so to the eternal annoyance of Barry who couldn’t get her to do anything for him (mostly because he was notoriously lazy when I wasn’t around). He figured the reason for this was simple “You’re like the retarded nephew she never wanted”. I told this to ‘Auntie’ Tammy; she thought this was hilarious and readily agreed) whining all the time so I imagine that played into this whole thing.

That and I work bloody hard. Always favour the guy who busts his ass for you… this will pay off in the long run.

Class is going well save for our programming class which is off to a slow start because they ordered the wrong textbooks and installed the wrong program for us.

But such as life. That’s right. As. I don’t care if you think it should be is.

OH! I almost forgot! I saw an old friend of mine last night at work and I heard some sad news. Her sister has a brain tumor, and all attempts up to now to remove it surgically have met with failure. She’s getting ready for Chemotherapy but they family isn’t terribly confident that things will turn out for the better. For those of you that pray, if you could pray about this that would be great.

-I’m Still Standing

PS: I still want a Hot Dog.


January 2, 2008

Life is kind of funny. It’s amazing how little things fall together so nicely in just such a fashion that you go ‘woah’. Buying a Sleeping Bag rated for -15 weather for camping in the summertime was really stupid at the time… but then I became homeless. This is an example of course, because I haven’t become homeless. Instead quite an amazing thing has happened to me.

I have found a Family. My Girlfriend, who I cannot express enough love for (I love you!), talked to her parents some time before this whole thing became what it is and they decided that should I ever be removed from the house they would take care of me… And they have. I’ve had several meals, good people to unload on, and a sense of Ohana that I’ve never had before. Ever. I’ve never had the absolute knowledge that the roof I slept under was one that would in fact shelter me, and would not be pulled out from under my feet. I’ve never known for certain that the two people sleeping down the hall cared a great deal about me and would concern themselves with everything that’s happening, but also respect my opinion and my decision no matter what. I’ve never felt like it would be inconceivable to leave me behind, that I was not an inconvenience.

This past week or so has been… Incredible, but this word fails to describe just how amazing things have been. I will never, in all my years of living and writing and telling stories, be able to express in words what this has meant to me.

I love you guys, thanks… And for now that will have to do.

I don’t hate my family (Version 1.0), but I am done with that part of my life. They are not truly interested in being involved with me and probably never were. It’s not healthy for me to be there and it is time for me to go. Things probably won’t get much better, talking with my Girlfriend’s dad (a very wise and brilliant accountant) has brought me understanding of that (which is wonderful because all I had for that was a feeling of sadness) and with that understanding acceptance… And with that acceptance strength.

I’ve known all along that there are those who would stand by me, those who cared and loved me for exactly who I am and nothing more, but… Not so much that I allowed myself the strength they were offering. Being here has made me realize it’s not enough to offer a brother the help he needs to move his boulder up the hill. Some times you have to ask a brother to help you move your own. I’m learning this.

Albeit slowly but hey, what’ya want from me?

I know what I want from me. A hot dog. With Ketchup and Mustard and Relish…. ooooooh baby.

I’ve done what I can to adjust the sails, and I’ve found it much easier to do so with other people on the boat (and how much easier it is when you don’t have to twist their arms to get on the thing). I’m headed for uncharted waters though. There could be chop, or white caps, or rainbow trout… I really don’t know…

But I’m excited.

P.S. The Boat’s name is Laredo.